Saturday, November 22, 2008

Thanksgiving Day

No more American holiday than Thanksgiving Day (Thankgivings Day). No less politicized praznika than Thanksgiving Day. The idea of celebrating the end of autumn and harvest dates back to the deepest antiquity, but the Americans these days are related more directly to the history of development of new land.

26 December, 1620 after two sailing to the coast of Massachusetts to Cape Cape Cod berths ship Mayflower. Most of the passengers belonged to a persecuted in England puritan sect. Novoyavlennye pilgrims though a dangerous journey in the hope to establish a colony in the New World, where they could, finally, become cherished freedom.

At the end of the voyage, before go on uncharted ground, the passengers the ship - the new settlers - signed a document known as the "Agreement on Meyflaure", which gives American historiography destiny as the beginning of constitutional government, through American life and the expression of inner freedom of spirit that they brought with them religious dissidents, opposition, in defiance of fanatical old medieval Europe.

Pilgrims expected fascinating. The first winter, they had to go to New Earth, was harsh and brutal, of the 102 settlers survived only 56.

A 1-April next year a new milestone. By Plimutskomu settlement, as it came to be known, left two Indian - Samoset (Samoset) and Skuanto (Squanto). Skuanto of the tribe Patsuiket (Patuxet) was unusual Indian - about ten years ago, he was forcibly taken to England. in the 1614-year back, but soon was again kidnapped and taken away in Spain. In late 1619, he returned home, but their tribe did not find - most likely rodichi extinct from the invaders brought infections. He came to a different tribe, and when on the shores of America settled a small colony, persuaded fellow pilgrims to conclude with the world. He already knew the world of Europe and understood that the future - for the European civilization, and voyuya with the settlers, Aborigines could make only his own death.

So, 1 April, 1621. , And Samoset Skuanto has informed Plymouth colonists of the arrival of Massasoit - tribal leaders Vampanoag (Wampanoag), living on the territory of the current state of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. It had been concluded a peace treaty and military alliance.

A Skuanto became became not just a friend and translator Plymouth colonists, but their angel-keeper. He taught pilgrims small but vital "craft" a new life on earth. For example, the characteristics of the cultivation of maize in a hilly terrain, using fish as fertilizer, how to catch wild indyushek, taught grow tobacco, beans and pumpkins, to distinguish edible from poisonous plants, showed springs with drinking water, hunting trails and fishing locations.

Thanks to his aid harvest in October was very abundant, and plimuttsy able to store sufficient quantity of food for the entire winter. They had's whack maize, fruits and vegetables, dried fish and smoked meat.

But most importantly - Skuanto was an intermediary in talks with neighboring Indian tribes, giving colonists their friendship and support. It can confidently say that without the participation of the first colony of Europeans would not survive in a new land.

And pilgrims Governor William Bradford found Thanksgiving Day for all the colonists and their good neighbors - the Indians. At the celebration, except Semoseta and Skuanto came tribal leader, and with it another 90 daredevil. Three days gremeli drums and handed salute of guns. But not this day became the prototype of the modern holiday.

The second summer at the new location was not so fortunate, and the third is issued and dry. Then Bradford appointed a day of fasting and prayer, and soon after the rain! To commemorate this wonderful event, and was set Thanksgiving Day.

A long time was unofficial holiday in New England. Only in 1777 the Continental Congress declared the official national Thanksgiving Day in December. George Washington in 1789 declared it a national holiday event and at the request of Congress to determine the date - Nov. 26, Thursday. In his interpretation of it was a day of Thanksgiving Americans to its constitution.

But the full national holiday Day of Thanksgiving was made in 1863, during the Civil War when President Abraham Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln) announced that from now on the fourth Thursday of November would be observed as Thanksgiving Day.

O God, give us the opportunity to pay this table ...

The final transfer of celebration on the last Thursday of November occurred in 1939, thanks to a decree Roosevelt. They say he did it for purely economic reasons. While ever engaged citizens of their country two extra days of rest, he suggested that they primarily go zapasatsya gifts at Christmas. A four-day nationwide shopping positively affect the U.S. treasury.

Thanksgiving Day - a family holiday, relatives and friends come from all over the country to sit for a common table, ustavlennym tradiionnym feast. Before all the airports in America are overcrowded and beaten road vehicles. I think the whole country is in motion to catch the home where the generation forgotten grievances and recall the best that happened during the year.

For table and children. Since then, as they remember themselves, they also remember the generosity and leisurely Thanksgiving Day, his special umirotvorenny spirit. After eating someone from the adult always say: "What are we thankful for this year?" - And everyone thought her and then in turn says: "I am grateful for that ..."

The answers can not be predicted. They can be serious or playful, practical or sentimental, with tears in the eyes or ironical smile. Certainly, it is important even than what is said and what you think and how to respond to the question - with an open heart, as if giving a moment in Invisible temple.

On the pilgrims who came to America nearly four years ago in the ship "Mayflower", heard here every schoolchild. Having experienced the troubles and hardships they have learned to appreciate the simple joys. Therefore, delicious and nourishing meal of the day not just food but also a special ritual, a symbol of zhiteyskih pleasure and connection to the land, making people pay dividends.

There is always someone, and for that thanks. Do not complain, but rejoice. Do not lament about lost and admire given. And believe in better.

A traditional table with the traditional turkey

For the American Thanksgiving Day has its own clearly defined traditions: food (vsenepremennaya turkey, sweet potatoes yams with whipped flower sauce, Cranberry sauce, stuffing of suharnyh cubes with spices, potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie and gravy), two days off, even food, View football games on television again, meals, local parades and more food. Week after Thanksgiving Day, there doedaniem balances.

If someone is left without a celebratory lunch, he invited charities. President himself would find time in his schedule and go hard on that day to help feed the homeless, the poor and elderly, nakladyvaya its generous portions of dishes. It is clear that without his assistance would cost, but also its role - to show the country an example of charity.

Pardon the turkey (a picture of a TV screen)

Another tradition - turkey pardon ceremony. More than fifty years ago, it found Harry Truman. In line with this tradition, at least one turkey to avoid the fate of being at the festive table. In a polushutlivo-polusereznogo recognition of the role of Turkey, as well as the role of Charity American president eve of the festival announced the pardon given turkey, which, together with the show on television on the lawn of the White House. The President read out a decree and carefully ironing troubled bird. She was later sent to the zoo, where she lived to old age.

At the very satisfied Thanksgiving Day parades. The first parade was held along the western edge of Central Park in 1924, since then every year the trade sponsored procession monster Macy's. Since it started Christmas season, vyveshivayut red plakatiki SALE, shopping becomes hectic.

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